Surface design is the creation of artwork that will be applied to physical products, such as cabinets, furniture, clothing, giftwrap or whatever.
As a surface designer, I can help your products be trendy and cool. You can distinguish your goods from your competitors’ with original patterns or illustrations.
Below, you can see a surface design I made for the cabinet of a machine which the client designed to collect tips in restaurants and bars. As it is was a pattern, I created multiple items related to food, beverages and restoration, based on clear designs and lively colours.

Lines had to be bold, to allow customers to appreciate the design from a certain distance.

I also designed the silkscreen for the front of the machine.
Below you can see the final result.

I also create art for clothes, in the form of patterns or illustrations. Below, you can see the artwork I designed for a group of gralla (a kind of shawm) female players, aimed to be printed on t-shirts.