As a freelance, I've also created art and animations for diverse applications aimed at teaching, explanatory or entertaining purposes. These applications were developed for different supports, such as CDs, online or intranet platforms, among others.
As everything integrated into an interface, app animations must be a functional element in addition to their decorative function. As an artist, I've pursued the double objetive of making sure that both static design and animation helped the project to be as user-friendly as possible and made the application stand out from similar applications.
One of my tasks in this field was related to the character design and animations I overtook for the interactive CD "Riscos Laborals - Sensibilització i Prevenció", that was a training platform about work hazards and prevention, developed for an agrupation of city councils of the Baix Llobregat region in Barcelona.

This is a bit of animation I made for the intro of the application. It was made using Flash.

Concepts and layouts for the animations.
I'd also like to show you "El Trébol del Miércoles". It was a training project which was developed for the intranet of the pharmaceutical company Novartis, as part of its "Proyecto Trébol" (Clover Project), whose motto was to "put more life in each minute"; its aim was to help its employees and collaborators to achieve a better life and to work in a more efficient and ethical way in a competitive world. In this framework, "El Trébol del Miércoles" was an application whose purpose was to teach how to reduce stress through online training.
My part in this project was to create the concept art and the design of the interface (the client wanted it to ressemble a desktop monitor), as well as its illustrations and animations and its programming using Flash.

Characters were created to protagonize the animations that introduced each of the chapters. Julian is the one on the left; Dr. Es-4 is the other on the right; and there was also Mrs. Jailevel.

Illustrations were also made to be included into the application, since, as the saying puts it, an image speaks a thousand words. Here, Mrs. Jailevel was trying to convert time into an ally.