Brand is a key element that distinguishes you or your company from all the others, shaping the perception that people have towards you and your products. Besides the intangible elements that conform it, there are tangible elements that make up an identity design: logo, icons, colours, fonts, websites, social media, email messaging, business cards, envelopes, packaging, promotional campaigns...
As a designer, I can help you or your company to define your brand identity, creating the visual elements of your brand and imbuing them with your personality to make them unique and recognizable.
From my position of Art Director in Top Counter, I undertook the design of its brand identity creating its logo, icons, colours, websites, email messaging, bussiness cards, packaging, advertising, brochures, etc..

Since Top Counter S.L. is a company whose business is the production of games for gambling, on one hand, as well as the distribution and reparation of money counting machines, on the other hand, I thought of this logo where the bell is a classic symbol in slot machines and the circles remind of the coins falling onto the slot machine tray when a winner line is hit, but also evoke the money that is counted with the machines that the company sells.
Two versions of the logo were created. The black one was intended to be used in black-and-white printed material, in the rubber stamps, and also to be engraved on the metallic boxes containing the game motherboards.
Below, you can see some samples of the websites, newsletters and advertising created for the company.

Finally, I'm sharing some logos I've created for other clients, such as Softgambling S.L., Service OnLine S.R.L., or Homix (real estate).